One extra climate
change conscious decision to
consider daily.
An educational blog with the intention of assisting people in learning to enjoy nature, appreciate the history of different people, and expand awareness of important worldwide events. Subjective and objective content are both included in lengthened entries. My personal devotion is sharing and spreading my love of flowers with creative writing while displaying other ways to view certain things that others may not think.
One extra climate
change conscious decision to
consider daily.
Hands of yellow moons,
grown from tall tropical plants,
mirroring the sun.
Stinking rose lily,
famous for pungent flavors,
good in any dish.
Celebrating today one of the most versatile delicious food plant ingredients of all time. It's notorious in pasta dishes and almost every sauce for various plates. Its medicinal property is antibiotic and its strong aroma can carry like the scent of an onion without the crying unless you eat it raw. Which, by the way, is very good for your health.
I've added the dried ground seasoning as well as pieces of it inside of my soup for lunch. How will you enjoy your garlic today?
1. National Day Calendar. NATIONAL GARLIC DAY - April 19 - National Day Calendar 4/19/22.
#GarlicDay #bulb #plant #gardening #seasoning #HaikuJumble #educational #poetry #blog
La rosa habla
con el viento y llueve -
dulce petalos.