Monday, July 4, 2022

Happy 4th of July


Independence Day

reminds me that lack thereof

as a WHOLE nation.

There's so much more work to do especially for the women who help nurture and build up this country. I cannot help but wonder why it is that the few rights that I can reach for that legal papers say I'm supposed to have keeps getting denied to me or stripped away from me. But for now, we can celebrate togetherness and the shared struggles in solidarity. And you know, enjoy a day off because that's always good too!

#Happy4thofJuly #IndependenceDay #womensrights #solidarity #HaikuJumble #eduational #poetry #blog

Saturday, July 2, 2022

First Day of July


Zig zags of light zap,

dart from fence to grass and trees.

"Oh, it's fireflies!"

Image by Rondell Melling from Pixabay

What a delight while walking the dogs out today to a brightening surprise of fireflies. I thought that I was seeing things at first. There were so many of them. lol Then one landed near my arm and then was able to see it up close. The dogs were very comfortable around them. Nature can lighten the heart at any time with just about anything.

#July #fireflies #lightningbugs #garden #insects #summer #outdoors #HaikuJumble #poetry #blog