Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Fourth Day of Christmas


A rhyming riddle haiku to go with the traditional Christmas song:

On the fourth day of Christmas,

my true love gave to me...

roost like mammal herds,

farmers' blunder when there're girds,

scarecrows create zergs,

four calling birds,

three French hens,

two turtle doves,

and a partridge in a pear tree.

Photo Editing by Andrelyn Izquierdo

Background Image and Black Birds by pngkit.com

Fun Facts of Black Birds:

  • They look like crows.
  • Like to eat corn, sunflowers, and crops.
  • They roost together in large numbers.
  • Not all Black Birds have all black feathers, some have yellow, red, and more.
  • Build their nests on the ground, in shrubs, or near streams.


  1. Easy Science for Kids, Blackbirds and Their 10 Different Types: https://easyscienceforkids.com/all-about-blackbirds/ 12/28/21.

#FourthDayofChristmas #ChristmasSong #fourcallingbirds #holiday #christmas #endofyear #12DaysofChristmas #fourthday #christmassong #callingbirds #HaikuJumble #poetry #blog #haikujumble #poem #blogger #educational

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