Her lashback at them
spoken with much bravado
causing a great flee.
An educational blog with the intention of assisting people in learning to enjoy nature, appreciate the history of different people, and expand awareness of important worldwide events. Subjective and objective content are both included in lengthened entries. My personal devotion is sharing and spreading my love of flowers with creative writing while displaying other ways to view certain things that others may not think.
Her lashback at them
spoken with much bravado
causing a great flee.
Strategy made fun
on a decorative board -
must concentrate now.
Independence Day
reminds me that lack thereof
as a WHOLE nation.
There's so much more work to do especially for the women who help nurture and build up this country. I cannot help but wonder why it is that the few rights that I can reach for that legal papers say I'm supposed to have keeps getting denied to me or stripped away from me. But for now, we can celebrate togetherness and the shared struggles in solidarity. And you know, enjoy a day off because that's always good too!
#Happy4thofJuly #IndependenceDay #womensrights #solidarity #HaikuJumble #eduational #poetry #blog
Zig zags of light zap,
dart from fence to grass and trees.
"Oh, it's fireflies!"
Image by Rondell Melling from Pixabay
pain thunders throughout
torture flooding all over
shocking lightning strikes
#dangerousweather #HaikuJumble #poetry #blog
No, "See you later,"
only time to remember,
each time we bonded.
A man took your life,
some stupid explanation,
too quick consequence.
Written by Andrelyn Izquierdo
#miprimo #notetoheaven #gunviolenceprevention #HaikuJumble #poetry #blog
One extra climate
change conscious decision to
consider daily.
Hands of yellow moons,
grown from tall tropical plants,
mirroring the sun.
Stinking rose lily,
famous for pungent flavors,
good in any dish.
Celebrating today one of the most versatile delicious food plant ingredients of all time. It's notorious in pasta dishes and almost every sauce for various plates. Its medicinal property is antibiotic and its strong aroma can carry like the scent of an onion without the crying unless you eat it raw. Which, by the way, is very good for your health.
I've added the dried ground seasoning as well as pieces of it inside of my soup for lunch. How will you enjoy your garlic today?
1. National Day Calendar. NATIONAL GARLIC DAY - April 19 - National Day Calendar 4/19/22.
#GarlicDay #bulb #plant #gardening #seasoning #HaikuJumble #educational #poetry #blog
La rosa habla
con el viento y llueve -
dulce petalos.
Destruction woven
tightly with every strand -
racial corruption.
Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay
Tall garden columns,
symmetrical lineage,
efflorescence bells.
These were in my garden during the summer. Young plants were emerging in each color while they were sunbathing too. It was such a pretty sight. 😀
#foxglove #bellshaped #flowers #garden #nature #plant #HaikuJumble #educational #poetry #blog #AndrelynWriting
Merciful gavel,
accomplished and qualified,
admirable stature.
My personal reflection on Ketanji while watching the days of hearings:
While I have not watched all of her entire hearing yet, I am taking my time getting through it to carefully examine the verbiage of the criticisms, Ketanji's answers to some exceedingly tough questions, and actively listening to her report by the review committee who did her background check on her reputation and competency. Hearing such positivity in positions she's worked in that were tough and then also following procedures by the book every case she's worked in with the law to back her up, is jaw-dropping and yet, inspirational. Having to be a woman of color and being a rule follower, my reputation at times, can be tossed to the ground and then stomped on. But for Ketanji, the defendant, probation office, AND the PROSECUTOR all had such wonderful things to compliment her and gave genuine feedback on her work performance. How she did that, I do not know. But this is a recognizable achievement that hit me like a ton of bricks that is hard not to think about her color during that moment. Yes, we shouldn't consider everything that she is of the Black race. But I cannot help but notice how important it's to do the exact opposite and recognize that this woman has nothing, but remarkable things mentioned about her and she's a Black woman. She's achieved so much as a Black woman. This is not to be ignored. That itself is so fascinating and then you get to see her in the hot seat and how she dealt with that. Then to hear her speak, taking her time to make sure she has gathered herself before responding to questions at times, what seemed like insults. I commend this woman for all that she is, what she does, and how she carries on her work. She gives me hope for the possibility that my problems can turn around in the court of law someday which may encourage me more to report unlawful behavior done to me in horrible situations. While there is still such a long way to go. She's the glimmer that's not going away. And I know this having heard her record of how many times she's been confirmed on that very floor in the Senate House. How many times does someone have to be there and still get questioned like that and still not lose her patience? She does something that I don't think I could even do in those toughest moments. She truly is amazing and that is why I chose the word admirable to describe her in the haiku.
Her record is like a polished diamond that sparkles.
She is currently in the waiting period for confirmation as Associate Justice in the US Supreme Court from the Senate. Her hearings were on Monday, 3/21 - Thursday, 3/24/22. There are many all over YouTube. One will be listed below to help you catch up.
10 Fun Facts About Ketanji Brown Jackson:
Her Quote from the Senate Hearing
Another Ketanji Quote from the Senate Hearing
#WomensHistoryMonth #KetanjiBrownJackson #judge #law #senatehearing #supremecourt #HaikuJumble #educational #poetry #blog
Always looking up,
her words uplifted our souls,
sweet inspiration.
10 Fun Facts About Maya Angelou:
On January 20, 1993, she read her poem, On the Pulse of Morning, at the Inauguration.
Raw: Maya Angelou's Poem from Clinton's 1993 Inauguration
"Just like moons and like suns,With the certainty of tides,Just like hopes springing high,Still I'll rise." #MayaAngelou pic.twitter.com/fo8IV5ovmp— Maya Angelou (@DrMayaAngelou) March 20, 2022
Maya Angelou Quarter
Maya Angelou Becomes 1st Black Woman Featured on
US Quarters
#WomensHistoryMonth #MayaAngelou #HaikuJumble #poetry #educational #blog
Sparked by some nonsense,
a deadly rage consequence,
needs to be ended.
bulbous stems arise
geese and bird flocks surf the sky
cherry trees turn pink
Sings atop branches,
notice its sleek white hairband,
picturesque features.
This cute little bird caught my eye while reading the Audubon Newsletter earlier today. Here is the link to the article to read about it further:
Here Are 10 Fun Facts About the White-Throated Sparrow -
Not the pizza pie,
but a symbol learned while in
mathematics class.
embrace of deepened solemn
love that can fulfill.
Nicknamed conductor
of the Underground Railroad
led slaves to freedom.
10 Fun Facts About Harriet Tubman: