Nicknamed conductor
of the Underground Railroad
led slaves to freedom.
Photo by National Women's History Museum
10 Fun Facts About Harriet Tubman:
- Harriet was born during the slavery era, which is the main reason her birth date is unknown. It is estimated to be between the years 1820 & 1822.
- By the time she turned 5-years-old, she was sold around her neighborhood as a slave to several Masters having been beaten repeatedly throughout her childhood.
- One of her Masters gave her a head trauma causing her a lifetime of pain through headaches, dizzy spells, and epilepsy.
- Her religion was Methodist, and she was a deeply passionate religious follower even though she was illiterate.
- Harriet Tubman has been known as the "Moses of her people" for her courageous act of having helped many slaves as an Abolitionist.
- She nicknamed herself the "Conductor" while leading waves of slaves through the Underground Railroad from the South to the North for 8 years through the evening while most of their owners were asleep.
- After the escape, she became an activist even though there was a warrant put out for her from the South.
- She's the first African American woman in the military as an armed scout, spy, and guerrilla soldier.
- Before carrying a weapon, she started out as a cook and nurse.
- During the Civil War, she nursed other soldiers with herbal remedies who were injured in the war.
Black Alliance. Harriet Tubman Quotes on Slavery, Freedom, God, Every Dreamer, + We Out: 3/2/22. 3/2/22.
Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Harriet Tubman:
Harriet_Tubman 3/1/22.
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