Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Cheese Lover's Day

3 lines were not enough words to express my love for cheese, so here's a haiku series:


Oh, how much to love,

feta, gruyere, and cheddar,

mozzarella too,

some blue cheese crumbles,

may be strong, but not like swiss,

havarti melting,

jam-covered baked brie,

seeded round balls or with nuts,

peeled or with its rind,

muenster, pepper jack,

add as a salad topping,

in pasta, rice, soup,

layered lasagna,

stuffed within ravioli,

fried in a dumpling,

roll into a wheel,

sliced addition hors d'oeuvres tray,

scoops of ricotta,

inside a sandwich,

cut into yummy snack sticks,

smoked gouda, ooh la!

Image by HNBS from Pixabay

#CheeseLoversDay #cheese #love #favorite #salad #topping #sandwich #feta #gruyere #cheddar #mozzarella #sticks #brie #muenster #pepperjack #bluecheese #swiss #havarti #ricotta #lasagna #ravioli #dumpling #HaikuJumble #poetry #blog #haikujumble #poem #blogger

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