Thursday, February 24, 2022

Ida B. Wells-Barnett


Lynching reporter,

challenger of Jim Crow laws,

child educator.

Photo from National Women's History Museum

10 Fun Facts About Ida B. Wells-Barnett:

  1. Born into slavery during the Civil War period in Holly Spring, Mississippi on July 16, 1861.
  2. Most of her professional life was spent as an educator, doing investigative journalism, and as an abolitionist. She was also a suffragist encouraging Black women to vote for more African American political influencers.
  3. She began her teaching career to keep her family together after her parents and baby brother died from yellow fever. She taught in Memphis at an Elementary School in the Shelby County school system.
  4. Co-owned and wrote for Memphis Free Speech and Headlight newspaper with her writing focusing on racial segregation and inequality. A copy has not been made of this paper.
  5. One of her famous works is her pamphlet - Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in all its Phases in which she described how lynchings were used by white men to intimidate and oppress African Americans who created competition for them economically.
  6. She experienced a situation like that of the famous Rosa Parks where Ida was asked to move from the first-class women's train car to an overcrowded smoking car. After she refused, the conductor with Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad along with two other men dragged her off the train entirely. Later, she successfully sued the Railroad company and was awarded $500.
  7. An early leader in the Civil Rights Movement and one of the founders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1909.
  8. A pen name she created, "Iola", was specifically used to write for The Living Way newspapers in Washington, D.C. when she was attacking racist Jim Crow policies in her writing.
  9. Not willing to back down in 1893 whilst being ousted by other suffragists, she organized the Women's Era Club, a first for African American women.
  10. She became secretary of the National Afro-American Council that she helped organize.

Barbie Doll Dedication
This year in 2022, the Barbie company dedicated one of its models to be Ida B. Wells in their collection.

Photo from

Read the article here:

YouTube Video by New York Historical Society
found on

Quote from Horror Stories

Another Quote From Ida


  1. Norwood, Arlisha R. National Women's History Museum. Ida B. Wells-Barnett: 2/4/22
  2. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Ida B Wells: 2/4/22
  3. Encyclopaedia Brittanica. Ida B. Wells-Barnett: 2/4/22
  4. Black Past. Ida Wells-Barnett: 2/4/22
  5. Women and the American Story. Life Story: Ida B. Wells-Barnett (1862-1931): 2/4/22
  6. Ida B. Wells: 2/4/22

#BlackHistoryMonth2022 #IdaBWells #journalist #Americanlynchings #educator #ElementarySchoolTeacher #speaker #CivilRightsLeader #NAACPfounder #CivilRightsMovement #womensrightsleader #Suffragist #HaikuJumble #poetry #educational #blog #haikujumble #poem #blogger

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Kamala Harris


Devout Democrat,

first V.P. of her color,

people's Momala.

Photo from

10 Fun Facts About Kamala Harris:

  1. Kamala was born in Oakland, California, and has a mixed background with her parents emigrating from India and Jamaica.
  2. Her parents introduced her to civil rights demonstrations as a child, inspiring her into the field of legal and public service.
  3. In 1990, she was the Alameda County District Attorney standing up on behalf of children who were sexually assaulted.
  4. Harris created an environmental crimes unit in 2005.
  5. Known as one of the leaders of the fight for marriage equality.
  6. In 2016, she was elected as California's State Senator.
  7. While in the Senate, she advocated for healthcare reform, the ban on assault weapons, and more.
  8. One project that is eye-catching is the DREAM Act (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act).
  9. She became the first female and first African American and first Asian-American to take the position of Vice President in the year 2020.
  10. In 2021, her children's book called Superheroes Are Everywhere, was included in welcome kits given to migrant children in a Long Beach, California shelter. 

I keep Kamala close to me. 😀
She's traveled from one of my desks to another. Now she is seated next to Baby Yoda.


  1. White House. Kamala Harris, The Vice President.
    vice-president-harris/ 2/1/22
  2. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Kamala Harris: 2/1/22
  3. Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. Kamala Harris: 2/1/22

YouTube Video
Kamala Harris Reads "Superheroes Are Everywhere" | Gotham Reads

Discover the Facts About the Life and Career of U.S. Vice Pres. Kamala Harris

From Encyclopaedia Brittanica, Inc. Video

#BlackHistoryMonth2022 #KamalaHarris #VicePresident #UnitedStates #FirstAfricanAmericanVP #caring #passionate #dedicated #forthepeople #blackhistorymonth #HaikuJumble #poetry #educational #blog #haikujumble #poem #blogger

Freedom to Vote John R. Lewis Act


Biggest impact Bill,


for our voting rights.

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

10 Fun Facts About the Freedom to Vote Act:

  1. It would streamline the election voting and registration process to ensure your voice gets heard in this avenue.
  2. Election Day would be announced as an official National Holiday to have off from work, school, etc.
  3. Waiting lines will be eliminated or lessened greatly.
  4. Access to the ballot stations would be for all people no matter how far because more polls would be added for every state.
  5. More ballots would arrive in the mail because mail-in voting is offered to all eligible people.
  6. Those who are no longer punished in the criminal justice system would be reinstated as a voter to have a fresh start and help them transition into responsible citizens.
  7. New redistricting guidelines to prevent gerrymandering.
  8. Instead of following another deadline in the voting registration process, same-day registration will be offered to make it easier to get out and vote.
  9. Heightens security of elections with federal post-election audits.
  10. It finds misconduct as a criminal offense that hinders, interferes, or prevents people from registering to vote.


  1. Congressional Research Service. S.2747 - Freedom to Vote Act: 1/31/22
  2. When We All Vote. Freedom To Vote Act: 1/31/22

More to Read:

Brennan Center For Justice

American Progress

#FreedomToVoteAct #votingrights #access #morebenefits #voters #security #voterregistration #misconductsolutions #ElectionDay #federal #NationalHoliday #FTVA #JohnLewis #HaikuJumble #poetry #educational #blog #haikujumble #poem #blog