Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Freedom to Vote John R. Lewis Act


Biggest impact Bill,


for our voting rights.

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

10 Fun Facts About the Freedom to Vote Act:

  1. It would streamline the election voting and registration process to ensure your voice gets heard in this avenue.
  2. Election Day would be announced as an official National Holiday to have off from work, school, etc.
  3. Waiting lines will be eliminated or lessened greatly.
  4. Access to the ballot stations would be for all people no matter how far because more polls would be added for every state.
  5. More ballots would arrive in the mail because mail-in voting is offered to all eligible people.
  6. Those who are no longer punished in the criminal justice system would be reinstated as a voter to have a fresh start and help them transition into responsible citizens.
  7. New redistricting guidelines to prevent gerrymandering.
  8. Instead of following another deadline in the voting registration process, same-day registration will be offered to make it easier to get out and vote.
  9. Heightens security of elections with federal post-election audits.
  10. It finds misconduct as a criminal offense that hinders, interferes, or prevents people from registering to vote.


  1. Congressional Research Service. Congress.gov. S.2747 - Freedom to Vote Act: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/2747. 1/31/22
  2. When We All Vote. Freedom To Vote Act: https://whenweallvote.org/action/freedom-to-vote-act/ 1/31/22

More to Read:

Brennan Center For Justice

American Progress

#FreedomToVoteAct #votingrights #access #morebenefits #voters #security #voterregistration #misconductsolutions #ElectionDay #federal #NationalHoliday #FTVA #JohnLewis #HaikuJumble #poetry #educational #blog #haikujumble #poem #blog

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