Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Getting Above Ground


Written by Andrelyn Izquierdo.

First sight of sunlight

from underground room of doom

blissful wanted end.

Image by Winterseitler from Pixabay.

#entrapment #survival #sexualassault #sexualviolence #humantrafficking #awareness #HaikuJumble #poetry #blogger

Haiku Written by Andrelyn Izquierdo.

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Lies Kill


Written by Andrelyn Izquierdo. 


bloody murder ignited

stupid jealousy.

Image by Mike from Pixabay.

#lies #sexualviolence #murder #jealousy #HaikuJumble #poetry #blogger

Haiku Written by Andrelyn Izquierdo.

Friday, July 21, 2023

Scalp Misfortune


Written by Andrelyn Izquierdo. 

 As poison courses

Through my blood inside of thy veins 

Brittle hair falls down

Image by Andrelyn Izquierdo.

Continuous loss, but I'm still hanging in there trying to keep ahold of each strand and saving my hair. Learning the side effects of different kinds of poison has taught me that hair loss is one of those signs besides the foul taste in my mouth or vision haziness. Using beauty products that contain detoxification ingredients, taking many vitamins, and using a large-tooth comb instead of a bristle brush is helping me repair and regrow.

#hair #poison #violence #HaikuJumble #poetry #blogger

Haiku Written by Andrelyn Izquierdo.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Stolen Earrings


Haiku Written by Andrelyn Izquierdo.

Petty thievery

Fueled by foolish jealousy


Image from

Recent Happenings

I wrote this haiku to spread more awareness about my things being stolen frequently. Currently, jewelry seems to be the theme yet again of missing items from my property.

Discovered that a pair of my new earrings were stolen from my belongings on Monday, July 17, 2023.

Woke up with 2 missing earrings from my ear on Tuesday, July 18, 2023.

#stolen #jewelry #personalexperience #truestory #HaikuJumble #poetry #blog

Haiku Written by Andrelyn Izquierdo.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

I Hope


Haiku Written by Andrelyn Izquierdo.


warm and tender hugs 

hold you tightly full of love

with our memories.

Image by Andrelyn Izquierdo.

No matter where you are,

what you are doing,

what time it is,

what day it is,

I'm always thinking of you,

and fighting for you...

fighting for our freedom!

I will always look for a keyboard

to get things done.

Dedicated to a special loved one during a very tough, distant time:

My brother, Jose.

#hope #love #memories #freedom #HaikuJumble #poetry #blog

Haiku Written by Andrelyn Izquierdo.

Friday, July 14, 2023

Power Within a Writing Instrument

Haiku Written by Andrelyn Izquierdo. 

Words flow through my pen

reigniting a passion

burns brightly within.

Image by Karolina from Pixabay.

#words #flow #passion #writing #HaikuJumble #educational #poetry #blog #AndrelynWriting

Haiku Written by Andrelyn Izquierdo.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

I Know What Love Is


Haiku Written by Andrelyn Izquierdo. 

Protection always

from all bad harmful people

with much empathy.

Image by Christa Regina from Pixabay

#know #love #protection #noharm #empathy #HaikuJumble #educational #poetry #blog

Sunday, February 19, 2023

World Whale Day


Haiku Written by Andrelyn Izquierdo. 

Surface commotion

back splashing high tidal waves

swift in the ocean.

Photo by ArtTower from Pixabay.

10 Fun Facts About World Whale Day:

  1. Founded in Maui, Hawaii in 1980 to honor humpback whales with their Hawaiian culture and parades.
  2. Greg Kauffman aimed to spread awareness of the threat to their extinction.
  3. Whales are the largest marine mammals on Earth.
  4. They experience different feelings almost the same as humans do.
  5. Humpback whales can sing complex songs.
  6. They are an endangered species in Washington State.
  7. Their population is vulnerable to ship accidents, fish net entanglements, marine debris, and more.
  8. Eat like a vacuum the plankton, small schools of fish, and krill under the sea in large quantities.
  9. Travel alone or in small groups of up to 10 to 15 whales.
  10. Their lifespan averages about 80 years.

  1. National Today. World Whale Day: 2/19/23.
  2. The Free Press Journal. World Whale Day: 5 Fascinating Facts About the Largest Mammal on Earth. 2/19/23.
  3. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Humpback Whale: 2/19/23.

#WorldWhaleDay #marinemammal #humpbackwhale #whalefacts #science #nature #marinebiology #HaikuJumble #educational #poetry #blog

Tuesday, January 24, 2023



Mother nature calls

whispers splash into my ears

tranquil desires.

Image by Tienco85 from Pixabay.

#waterfall #mother #nature #whispers #tranquil #inspiration #HaikuJumble #educational #poetry #blog

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Year of the Rabbit


Peace with fireworks

loudly chase away Nian

red prosperity.

By Google Doodle

Lunar New Year is celebrated either in the months of January or February and derives from Asian cultures. Every year there is a celebration of a different animal from the Chinese Zodiac. This year, it's of the Rabbit. Each Asian country has its own version of food dishes as well as regions within those countries differing from each other. From the insides of homes including doors with red paper to evenings lit up with red lanterns throughout the night, there's a fun folklore background that gives a good excuse to have a holiday at this time. It's based on a creature by the name of Nian, which is a mythical beast. Its body is of a dog with a flattened face of a lion. Besides scaring the villagers with its appearance, it is known for eating the winter crops, therefore the villagers sought to chase it away. With the sounds of beating drums and whistling crackles of fireworks to the fired-up lanterns, the Nian is no match for the village. He turns out to be similar to the cowardly lion from the Wizard of Oz and runs away.

Written by Andrelyn Izquierdo.


  1. Google Doodle. 1/22/23.
  2. Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia. Nian: 1/22/23.

#LunarNewYear #January #2023 #ChineseZodiac #YearOfTheRabbit #asianculture #Nian #mythology #beast #drums #fireworks #celebration #red #lantern #HaikuJumble #educational #poetry #blog #AndrelynWriting #writer #poet #blogger

Friday, January 13, 2023

Almost Empty Soap Bottles

Mischief is prowling

at all hours of the night

vulnerable times.

Image by Rosy from Pixabay

Side Note: I chose this photo as it goes closely with the message of a cry for help.

Waking up feeling disoriented
as my eyesight adjusts
to the new morning
I notice at my bathroom sink
a new soap bottle
almost depleted
it wasn't me.

As I head to my kitchen sink
ready to wash the dishes
holding my scrubbing brush
bringing me to a hush
as there goes another
almost empty.

There are just some things one can read and still can read in between the lines.


Written by Andrelyn Izquierdo.

Inspired by my true story.

#SlaveryandHumanTraffickingPreventionMonth #sexualviolence #awareness #stalking #domesticabuse #humantrafficker #labortrafficking #drugtrafficking #sextrafficking #EndDV #abuse #speakup #help #danger #HaikuJumble #eduational #poetry #personal #blog #UnseenFortitude #empowerment #blogger #writer

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

National Human Trafficking Awareness Day


Image by Sammis Reachers from Pixabay

Freedom's still the wish,

some in chains, others in rooms,

mostly is sexual.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

For more information on the history of today, please follow the link below. It will also navigate you to other sources if you seek more information.

Another note, I will continue to add more information on my website about my real life experiences fighting and resisting in everyway that I can human traffickers over the years from many different workplaces and states here in the U.S. While there isn't a specific location yet, the site is still organizing blog articles by category to help find things easier as many subjects are covered. Stay tuned for more details.

If you have a request you'd like to put in for a topic you would like to read about, feel free to message me at

Inspired by my true story.

Written by Andrelyn Izquierdo.

#SlaveryandHumanTraffickingPreventionMonth #helpstophumantrafficking #sexualviolence #humantrafficking #awareness #victim #survivor #beempowered #advice #pointofview #believe #eduation #national #hotlines #helpline #help #danger #facts #labortrafficking #drugtrafficking #sextrafficking #exploitation #EndRape #escape #EndDV #stalking #drugging #imprisonment #childabuse #force #domesticabuse #courage #fightback #speakup #bebold #UnseenFortitude #empowerment #informative #truestory #blog #KnowTheTruth #besafe #HaikuJumble #educational #poetry #blogger

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Unreliable Witness


Ignores everything

as mandated reporters

letting us all down.

Image by Alexa from Pixabay

Even in the most critical moments and time of need, they...
Hear Nothing, See Nothing, Say Nothing...
which puts them as part of the problem no matter how much they want to try and avoid the evil.
These are actions of a coward and not someone who is trying to right the wrong.
These actions contribute to enabling bad things occurring and helping them continue to escalate. At this point, dangerous consequences pursue.

A witness should be courageous and speak up truthfully on what was heard, seen, and spoken. 
Don't be an enabler. Be a "Do Gooder". 
Telling the truth is one of the simplest ways to help someone or even yourself.
When the opportunity presents itself...
to help end or prevent violence...
please do choose to...

Written by Andrelyn Izquierdo.

#unreliablewitness #nothing #hearnoevil #seenoevil #speaknoevil #endviolence #pointofview #speakup #witness #tellthetruth #violenceprevention #HaikuJumble #educational #poetry #blog

Monday, January 9, 2023

Challenges of Being a Complainant


Instinct is to tell,

belief always in question.

Are they listening?

Image by Geralt from Pixabay.

In a sea of hurt lies many more unanswered questions.

From my personal experience, here is a dialogue of me asking questions in regards to serious safety situations and the real life responses that I had received from different people. The responses were in the form of another question that led me through a circle of nowhere. In case you are wondering while reading these questions, the respondent questions are coupled with their corresponding complainant questions. They may seem like they are misplaced and more suitable to another question, but that is not the case. 

Perhaps you may relate to my frustration especially for the ones calling for a yes or no answer and not receiving it.

Complainant - “Do you believe me?”

Respondent - “Why are you asking me that?”

Complainant - “Do you see this mark?”

Respondent - “What am I supposed to be looking at?”

Complainant - “Do you know where I can find help?”

Respondent - “Did someone else tell you where you can?"

Complainant - "Why are you speaking to me that way?"

Respondent - "Why do you keep doing this?"

Complainant - "Why isn't the fence fixed yet?"

Respondent - "Have you spoken to someone else about this?"

Complainant - "Why did I come from work to an unlocked front door?"

Respondent - "Who did you invite?"

Complainant - "Did you include this additional evidence in the report?"

Respondent - "Why do we need to add anything else when the report is already completed?"

Complainant - "Have you seen my (item) that I left over there?"

Respondent - "Did you leave it there?"

and unfortunately, the list goes on.

Written by Andrelyn Izquierdo.

#challenges #complainant #respondent #confide #speak #conversation #argument #lifeexperience #noanswer #HaikuJumble #educational #poetry #blog

Friday, January 6, 2023

January is Apple Month

An anytime treat

infused mixed fruity flavors

long time to blossom.

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

My experience with a unique kind of apple - 

Washington State is known for its apples. During my first trip to Pike's Place Market, a sample of the Grapple caught my eye. Apples were submerged in a barrel full of grape juice adding a tinge of purple color to the peel and the inside core. Good name for a fruity blend. 

For more educational information, view this website on why the apple is the focus for this month:

Even though the article includes the apricot, it will be mentioned in another upcoming Haiku dedicated only to that kind of fruit too.

Written by Andrelyn Izquierdo. 

#apple #month #January #haiku #grapple #WashingtonState #HaikuJumble #educational #poetry #inspiration #blog #AndrelynWriting #poetrycommunity #writingcommunity

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Going for the New...New

 Here we go again

as the cycle continues

for new beginnings.

One of my New Year's resolutions set for this year that I'm already working on is:

Speak up more and speak out.

The difference from last year to this year would be to speak up much more often and try other organizations in hopes to reach more solid solutions.

What is yours? Anything unique? Or an ongoing one to continue from last year?

Here's to getting work done.

Written by Andrelyn Izquierdo.

#HappyNewYear2023 #resolutions #newbeginnings #inspiration #HaikuJumble #educational #blog #creativewriting #AndrelynWriting