Wednesday, January 11, 2023

National Human Trafficking Awareness Day


Image by Sammis Reachers from Pixabay

Freedom's still the wish,

some in chains, others in rooms,

mostly is sexual.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

For more information on the history of today, please follow the link below. It will also navigate you to other sources if you seek more information.

Another note, I will continue to add more information on my website about my real life experiences fighting and resisting in everyway that I can human traffickers over the years from many different workplaces and states here in the U.S. While there isn't a specific location yet, the site is still organizing blog articles by category to help find things easier as many subjects are covered. Stay tuned for more details.

If you have a request you'd like to put in for a topic you would like to read about, feel free to message me at

Inspired by my true story.

Written by Andrelyn Izquierdo.

#SlaveryandHumanTraffickingPreventionMonth #helpstophumantrafficking #sexualviolence #humantrafficking #awareness #victim #survivor #beempowered #advice #pointofview #believe #eduation #national #hotlines #helpline #help #danger #facts #labortrafficking #drugtrafficking #sextrafficking #exploitation #EndRape #escape #EndDV #stalking #drugging #imprisonment #childabuse #force #domesticabuse #courage #fightback #speakup #bebold #UnseenFortitude #empowerment #informative #truestory #blog #KnowTheTruth #besafe #HaikuJumble #educational #poetry #blogger

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