Mother nature calls
whispers splash into my ears
tranquil desires.
An educational blog with the intention of assisting people in learning to enjoy nature, appreciate the history of different people, and expand awareness of important worldwide events. Subjective and objective content are both included in lengthened entries. My personal devotion is sharing and spreading my love of flowers with creative writing while displaying other ways to view certain things that others may not think.
Mother nature calls
whispers splash into my ears
tranquil desires.
Peace with fireworks
loudly chase away Nian
red prosperity.
Lunar New Year is celebrated either in the months of January or February and derives from Asian cultures. Every year there is a celebration of a different animal from the Chinese Zodiac. This year, it's of the Rabbit. Each Asian country has its own version of food dishes as well as regions within those countries differing from each other. From the insides of homes including doors with red paper to evenings lit up with red lanterns throughout the night, there's a fun folklore background that gives a good excuse to have a holiday at this time. It's based on a creature by the name of Nian, which is a mythical beast. Its body is of a dog with a flattened face of a lion. Besides scaring the villagers with its appearance, it is known for eating the winter crops, therefore the villagers sought to chase it away. With the sounds of beating drums and whistling crackles of fireworks to the fired-up lanterns, the Nian is no match for the village. He turns out to be similar to the cowardly lion from the Wizard of Oz and runs away.
Written by Andrelyn Izquierdo.
Mischief is prowling
at all hours of the night
vulnerable times.
Image by Sammis Reachers from Pixabay
Freedom's still the wish,
some in chains, others in rooms,
mostly is sexual.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
For more information on the history of today, please follow the link below. It will also navigate you to other sources if you seek more information.
Another note, I will continue to add more information on my website about my real life experiences fighting and resisting in everyway that I can human traffickers over the years from many different workplaces and states here in the U.S. While there isn't a specific location yet, the site is still organizing blog articles by category to help find things easier as many subjects are covered. Stay tuned for more details.
If you have a request you'd like to put in for a topic you would like to read about, feel free to message me at
Inspired by my true story.
Written by Andrelyn Izquierdo.
#SlaveryandHumanTraffickingPreventionMonth #helpstophumantrafficking #sexualviolence #humantrafficking #awareness #victim #survivor #beempowered #advice #pointofview #believe #eduation #national #hotlines #helpline #help #danger #facts #labortrafficking #drugtrafficking #sextrafficking #exploitation #EndRape #escape #EndDV #stalking #drugging #imprisonment #childabuse #force #domesticabuse #courage #fightback #speakup #bebold #UnseenFortitude #empowerment #informative #truestory #blog #KnowTheTruth #besafe #HaikuJumble #educational #poetry #blogger
Ignores everything
as mandated reporters
letting us all down.
Instinct is to tell,
belief always in question.
Are they listening?
Image by Geralt from Pixabay.
In a sea of hurt lies many more unanswered questions.
From my personal experience, here is a dialogue of me asking questions in regards to serious safety situations and the real life responses that I had received from different people. The responses were in the form of another question that led me through a circle of nowhere. In case you are wondering while reading these questions, the respondent questions are coupled with their corresponding complainant questions. They may seem like they are misplaced and more suitable to another question, but that is not the case.
Perhaps you may relate to my frustration especially for the ones calling for a yes or no answer and not receiving it.
Complainant - “Do you believe me?”
Respondent - “Why are you asking me that?”
Complainant - “Do you see this mark?”
Respondent - “What am I supposed to be looking at?”
Complainant - “Do you know where I can find help?”
Respondent - “Did someone else tell you where you can?"
Complainant - "Why are you speaking to me that way?"
Respondent - "Why do you keep doing this?"
Complainant - "Why isn't the fence fixed yet?"
Respondent - "Have you spoken to someone else about this?"
Complainant - "Why did I come from work to an unlocked front door?"
Respondent - "Who did you invite?"
Complainant - "Did you include this additional evidence in the report?"
Respondent - "Why do we need to add anything else when the report is already completed?"
Complainant - "Have you seen my (item) that I left over there?"
Respondent - "Did you leave it there?"
and unfortunately, the list goes on.
#challenges #complainant #respondent #confide #speak #conversation #argument #lifeexperience #noanswer #HaikuJumble #educational #poetry #blog
An anytime treat
infused mixed fruity flavors
long time to blossom.
Written by Andrelyn Izquierdo.
Here we go again
as the cycle continues
for new beginnings.
One of my New Year's resolutions set for this year that I'm already working on is:
Speak up more and speak out.
The difference from last year to this year would be to speak up much more often and try other organizations in hopes to reach more solid solutions.
What is yours? Anything unique? Or an ongoing one to continue from last year?
Here's to getting work done.
Written by Andrelyn Izquierdo.
#HappyNewYear2023 #resolutions #newbeginnings #inspiration #HaikuJumble #educational #blog #creativewriting #AndrelynWriting