Monday, February 22, 2021

John Lewis


Man of bold actions

wants us to march to freedom.

Strength matched stubbornness.

(Photo by

20 Fun Facts on John Lewis:

  1. John Robert Lewis was born on February 21, 1940, near Troy, Alabama to sharecroppers, Mae and Eddie Lewis.
  2. An aspiring preacher as a youngin, he practiced preaching to his chickens outside on the farm.
  3. He was a mentee to Martin Luther King and joined him in the Montgomery Bus Boycott and also became one of the 6 major leaders of the Civil Rights Movement.
  4. He was one of the leaders who ended legalized segregation of whites and blacks within the United States in the year 1965. Segregation was instated by the Jim Crow Laws beginning in the 1870s.
  5. An ordained Baptist minister after graduating from American Baptist Theological Seminary in Nashville, Tennessee.
  6. He helped organize sit-ins at segregated lunch counters as nonviolent protests.
  7. He was a member of the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity.
  8. In 1961, he became one of the thirteen Freedom Riders, a group of Civil Rights activists riding the bus on interstates united as black and white people of color into the segregated South.
  9. At the age of 21, he was the first of the Freedom Riders to be assaulted at Rock Hill, South Carolina as he held his stance of being a nonviolent activist.
  10. He led three marches along the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma to Montgomery, Alabama with the first one beginning on March 7, 1965.
  11. "Bloody Sunday" was the headliner of the violent attacks that interrupted the march after the crowd led by John Lewis and Hosea Williams passed the bridge. The result of this tragic event was rushed to change after what was witnessed in passing the 1965 Voting Rights Act.
  12. In New York City, he worked as Director of the Field Foundation in 1966.
  13. In 1970, he became the director of the Voting Education Project.
  14. He joined the House of Congress in 1987 representing the state of Georgia while still fighting for people's rights. He was re-elected 16 times.
  15. He was surprised and ecstatic when the first African American, Barack Obama, was elected President in 2008 after speaking at the Democratic Convention. 
  16. In 1026, his third book in his series March: Book Three was the first graphic novel to win the National Book Award.
  17. He organized a sit-in at Congress (40 Democrats) ten days later after a mass shooting on June 12, 2016, erupted in Orlando, Florida in an effort to end gun violence.
  18. After the 2016 election, John Lewis spoke out against President Trump calling him an "illegitimate President".
  19. At the age of 80, Lewis was diagnosed with Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer in December 2019 and then passed away the following year on July 17, 2020.
  20. He received many awards:
    • Presidential Medal of Freedom
    • NAACP's Springarn Medal
    • John F. Kennedy "Profile in Courage Award" for Lifetime Achievement
Info cited from &

One of his famous and most memorable speeches

Rep. John Lewis' Speech at the 1963 March on Washington from on Vimeo.

Bloody Sunday at the March on Edmund Pettus Bridge

John Lewis is on the ground when his head was clobbered by a State Patrol Officer opening it up with his baton and giving him a skull fracture.

(Photo by & James “Spider” Martin Photographic Archive/Briscoe Center, University of Texas at Austin)

(Photo by

John Lewis Final Crossing of the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama

Bloody Sunday Reenactment

(Photo by Atlanta Journal Constitution)

John Lewis with D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser at Black Lives Matter Plaza on June 2020

(Photo from

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